What equipment will I need?
Your tutor will arrive with basic materials for each session although you are welcome, and encouraged to bring your own where possible. You may have some materials already. It is advised to have a variety of traditional and not traditional material accessible although it should be made clear that you don’t need all of the following!
Some water soluble media and some dry media, permanent and non – permanent.
For example:
Dry media - Washable felt tip pens, biros, pencils, wax crayons or oil pastels, charcoal.
Wet Media – Watercolour, ink, acrylic paint, poster paint.
Non- traditional media – coffee, tea, sand, soil, oil.
A variety of supports – these are surfaces to draw and paint on – a range of textures and thicknesses would be an advantage.
For Example: Cartridge paper, watercolour paper, tracing paper, cardboard,
A range of tools – This is what you will apply and move your media with.
For Example:
Traditional - Paint brushes of different sizes, textures and shapes, Palette knives, sponges.
Non- traditional – cotton buds, finger tips, sticks, forks, straws.
The Additional Learning Support Team work across college supporting learners with a variety of learning needs in different ways. Support can be requested at enrolment or at any point throughout your course. For more information telephone 0333 0031717 or email als@lal.ac.uk
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